BW Concepts Top 10 Blogs of 2023

It’s WILD to think that we’re really wrapping up 2023! This year really flew by which means it’s a good time to look back on the top posts of the year and reflect on all that we’ve done.
(As you’re reading this, keep this in mind. I had 50+ blog posts to choose from to post a Top 10. Why is that relevant? Because even though the posts go back to 2019, they are still working. Each post contains keywords, backlinks, and other areas that hit Google Ranking Factors to organically boost our SEO.)
And now without further adieu, here are the Top 10 Blogs of 2023:
#10: How to Identify Your Ideal Customer and Why It’s Essential
was talking with a prospective client, and after hearing about his business, I asked, “Who is your ideal client?” His response was, “Everyone!” It took a little convincing, but he finally got why everyone couldn’t be your ideal customer. Here’s why.
#9: 3 Ways to Turn Any Topic into Great Content
It can be tempting only to share, promote, and or highlight the great stuff that happens in our businesses. And why wouldn’t we want to focus on the positive? In reality, reframing a topic in order to share – even the less than desirable parts of your world – can be incredibly endearing to your clients and potential clients. Read why HERE.
#8: Yes, Your Site really Does Need a Blog
There. I said it. No tap dancing; no sugar coating. If you want to organically boost your website’s SEO, your site needs a blog. Here’s why.
#7: No One Knows What You’re Talking About
(It should be noted that this post is from February 2022! Which means it’s a relevant topic that is still driving traffic!)
I had a discussion with a client a few weeks ago. I was desperately trying to convince her that repeating her message across several forms of communication was essential, but she wasn’t buying it. The client insisted that because her messaging went out in an email—once—that that was plenty and her client base was now more than informed about her message. I had to break down why multiple forms of communication are key. Read them all HERE.
#6: Can a Blog Really Boost Your Business Website’s SEO?
Obviously, the answer is yes. Otherwise, I would be writing myself out of business. OK, but how does a blog boost your SEO? So first, I want to point out the difference between paid versus organic SEO. We are talking about the latter, basically the free kind, not the Google Ad Words kind. GAW are fine too, but organic is just cheaper and has been shown to be more desirable to site visitors. Read the full post HERE.
#5: Human or AI Blogs? Which is Right for Your Business?
With easy access to Chat GPT and many other artificial intelligence-generated content, it can seem like a no-brainer to use one of these applications. But there are a few things to consider for both human-generated and also AI-generated content. Read the full post HERE.
#4: Social Media Management; It’s More Than Just Pictures
Sure, there are businesses out there that post regularly and often, and their pages look great. But is it converting followers into customers? If not, then they are simply spending time putting up pretty pictures. Social media management needs to involve a strategy in order to produce a return on investment – even if that investment is just your time. Click HERE to read the full post.
#3: What is a Lead Magnet and Why You Should Have One
A lead magnet is simply a free download of information in exchange for the user’s email address. That’s it! Simple. Think of it like a blog post but likely with much more specific information. Or it could be a “how to” list or an image or even an e-book. There’s no wrong answer on what your lead magnet is as long as it has value for the user. Read more HERE.
#2: AI Blogs: Are the Robots Taking Over?
I have been getting a ton of ads for AI (artificial intelligence) blog services in my social media feed lately. And while I was initially insulted, I had to admit I was kind of curious. I started my research with the comments on the ad, because who doesn’t love some great social media comments? They were pretty amusing—lots of talk about robots taking over the world, lazy people, etc. After some further research, I felt secure in telling you that as AI stands now, this isn’t a service that makes sense.
Is that self-serving? You betcha. But it’s also true. Here’s why.
#1: The Importance of Branding
(This post is from April this year and was going away the most viewed post this year. So get ready for a lot more posts on branding in 2024!)
A company’s brand is at the core of a marketing strategy. Why? Because if you don’t know who you are, how are you going to tell your potential customers about yourself? Brands are who your business is—the culture, the mission, the “why.” Read the full post HERE.