
Digital Marketing: What Does Your Business Need in Q4?

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Is it me, or is anyone else a little taken back by the fact that it’s already August? 2021 has flown by and it’s wild to be thinking about Q4 already. If you’ve been putting off some of those all-important digital marketing tools this year, now’s the time! This is the perfect opportunity to get organized and ready to make Q4 the best quarter yet.


When was the last time you took a look at your digital insights? Do you know where your website traffic is coming from? Or which social media platform is performing best for your business? How about which days and times your posts are being viewed? Do you know how many people opened your newsletter and clicked through to your website? How many people are viewing your blog and which topics get the most engagement?

Taking the time to analyze where your digital marketing is working – and where it needs improvement – will help shape your strategy in the most efficient and effective ways.

Add On

Once you’ve had a chance to analyze where your digital marketing needs improvement, start adding in new marketing pieces to your mix. Does your business need:

  • Blog: perfect for long form or macro information for customers and potential customers and it’s also a great way to organically boost your SEO.
  • Social Media: adding a platform to your posts, or even just implementing a consistent posting strategy can make a huge difference in the number of quality followers.
  • Newsletter: speak directly to your email contacts and share information about new products, highlight new blog posts, showcase your team – the list goes on forever. The best part is that it lands directly infront of your customer base.
  • Website Content: freshen up your website with some new and updated information, images, links, articles, etc.

Ask an Expert

All of this sound a little overwhelming? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Click over to my contact page and let me know where you’re getting stuck. I love digging into insights and analyzing where we can improve – I also like starting from scratch. Either way, let’s talk and see how BW Concepts can take a task off your list, and make your Q4 one of the best yet!

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