
Resolutions V Goals

Resolutions V Goals

As I began to write down my business resolutions in December, I got a little nuts. Well, really it all started out with more a dry spell and turned into a waterfall of ideas…

I sat and evaluated where BW Concepts is now and where I would want it to go, and the truth was, I hadn’t really thought about it. Which lead me to really dig into which of the services I offer were the ones I really liked and wanted more of. Then I needed to figure out how to get more of that work – did I need more advertising? Better social media? More word of mouth? The more I thought about it, the more ideas that came flowing out of my brain. And suddenly I was looking at a paper of ideas that weren’t all quite the same.

I realized I had a lot of resolutions, but there were also some business goals that had gotten mixed into the resolutions. Or more accurately, some goals that my resolutions would help me achieve. The difference is that a resolution is a change that leads to something else – it’s not the end game, it’s just the map that’s going to get you to where you’re going.

So! In 2019, my resolutions for BW Concepts are:

    • I am an organized person so this is thankfully not a foreign concept. The need for a better business organization comes from the many irons I’ve got in the fire. Between this business, the family business that I run, volunteer commitments, and well, life, it can be easy to have something fall through the cracks. I made a huge list of all the “to do’s” and created a color-coded Excel calendar. I then used that to populate my Gmail calendar and our family wall calendars as well. Having a visual of my to-do list is so helpful. I now block out an hour-ish a week to update the calendars and start planning for the weeks ahead.
    • Speaking of that calendar… now that I have a working task calendar, I started checking items off the list. I made a rule that I had to work in order, not skip around when working ahead. This forces me to stay on track and ahead of the game. It also allows me to take more than just one edit at a project to make sure it’s really perfect before it goes out. 
    • Ta da! This has been a really fun resolution to work on. Putting fingers to the keyboard and spilling out ideas and words is awesome.
    • When the IG algorithm changed, it changed how we have to use IG. No longer are likes rewarded, but rather our interaction with IG and other users gets our posts seen by more people. So I’ve committed to spending at minimum 10 minutes a day watching stories, commenting, and liking posts to boost my views. 

What are all these resolutions working towards? I defined my goals as:


  • More specifically, new blogging clients. While I always would say yes to 1 off projects like bios, About Me pages and other marketing materials, I want the predictability and consistency of new blogging clients. It allows me to create a marketing calendar which feeds the content for the blog and creates an ongoing uniform style for the blog. My goal is to have 3 new monthly / bimonthly clients. And so far as of January, I already have one of the three! We’re off to a good start.


  • Being able to put my ideas and tips directly in front of people who can use them is too powerful a tool to overlook. So getting organized and increasing engagement is going to help build a solid following on social media that will keep BW Concepts on the minds of clients and potential clients too. 

This is it! I hit the ground running at the beginning of January and I haven’t slowed down. I’m looking forward to seeing what exciting outcomes these resolutions yield!

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