Why a Good Tagline Matters in Business and Life

If you follow me on social (why aren’t you following BWC on social?!) you know that I get my best ideas when I’m running. And this post is the latest “ah ha” moment I had as I sweated through a three-miler in the 100 degree heat. Apparently my good thoughts come out with good sweat.
Digital Magic
Did you catch my post about the stunning rebrand that Apple & Anchor created for BW Concepts earlier this year? If you missed it (seriously, where have you been??) you can get the full rundown here.
Capitalizing on my last name—Wand—BW Concepts has a stunning new family of logos, fonts, and colors. But we also have a killer tagline: “Digital magic.” Jess of A&A said they landed on it when I described how most of our clients, we make the magic happen, and they just get to sit back and enjoy the show. It was perfect! It absolutely embodied how we like to operate and who our ideal clients are as well.
Life Tag Lines
Do your kids ever bring home those “all about my mom” or “what I love about my dad” pages where they answer simple questions about their parents? I got two of those this year for Mother’s Day – one from my four-year-old and one from my eleven-year-old. One of them did me dirty:
Q: What does your mom always say?
A: “Sit up.”
Q: What does your mom always remind you?
A: “Don’t stand on the couch.”
Really, kid? Not even “I love you!”? I know I say that at least five times a day. Now, on the flip side, in the Father’s Day Q&A, Peter got a much more favorable response:
Q: What does your dad always say?
A: “Win every day! Be great!”
Q: What does your dad always remind you?
A: “Go Army! Beat Navy!”
The Conclusion
I’ve realized that much like my business needed a great tagline, my personal life does as well. I’m trying to find the right fit – so far I haven’t landed on anything that feels quite right…while FAFO feels on-brand for me personally, it doesn’t really have the positive vibes I’m looking for. So I’m pleading with you to share yours with me – I need your taglines for yourself and your kids, too!