A Twist on Setting Business Goals for the New Year

Happy 2025! It’s hard to believe that 2024 is now just a memory, the year truly flew by.
I’m not usually a resolutions person, at least nothing super specific. But this year, I decided to add a few things to my routine that I think I’ll enjoy and benefit from. I already have a workout routine, but I’m going to add in a hike once a week, too. Not only is it good and different exercise than what I usually do, but I love being on a mountain, so it’s good for the soul as well. I spend a lot of time in the car driving kids to and from school and activities. Instead of listening to mindless podcasts, I am going to incorporate more books. I’m currently listening to “Let Them Theory,” and it’s excellent – I’m hoping to integrate its mindset into everyday life this year.
Time to Reflect
As I started to think about the business and what I wanted to do this year, I decided I needed to take a minute and reflect on this past year. It is important to take time to see what went right and what went less than right. Here’s the good stuff:
ProBono Clients
We took on our first pro bono client, Croquet for a Cure, and we learned a lot while enjoying helping this amazing organization. The biggest takeaway was how good it felt to have a service that I could provide to a nonprofit. We’re excited to partner with Croquet for a Cure again this year, as well as another nonprofit.
BWC Rebrand
On a whim, I contacted Jess and Justin at Apple and Anchor to discuss rebranding BW Concepts. Having worked with them on client branding, I knew they were the perfect fit. It was a little nutty to jump right in and with not the full budget at the time, but it was totally worth it. I realize now that while the budget is essential, acting when inspired to be and think creatively is just as important!
I also made all of the image and color updates to my website with just a little help – it’s wildly empowering to know how to update website code.
Service Expansion
While this one isn’t huge or wildly exciting, I think it’s important to note that we expanded our services to create a better product for our clients. Just because it’s a small change, it’s good to evolve.
What’s Next
My friend and BWC employee Michelle and I chatted about what we were reading. She is devouring “The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Your Soul” (it’s next on my list). It’s all about how to set goals based on how you want to feel, which is an interesting spin, and it got me thinking. How do I want the business to feel this year?
Ok just kidding, rich isn’t a feeling. But…you can feel rich, right?? In all seriousness, this isn’t all about money. For the business to feel rich means having clients that are a joy to work for. Where work is fun and engaging, not heavy and frustrating.
Also, money in the bank is nice too…just putting this one out into the universe.
I absolutely hate walking into the office on Monday morning to seemingly endless emails and a to-do list where everything is on fire. I want this year to feel much calmer. My plan to achieve this is to make sure I’m staying on task and breathing – everything can’t be priority 1! It will all get done.
Part of feeling calm is going to take getting organized. Not only my office but my computer files, processes, systems, client information, billing system, all of it. January is my time to get cleaned up and cleared out so we can work efficiently and effectively.
What’s On Your Goal List?
Not only do I want to know your goals, I want to talk with you about how BW Concepts can help you crush said goals! Click here to schedule a time to talk. Here’s to being rich, calm, and organized in 2025!